Moppen top 10
1. | Ergste dag uit mijn leven | 8.05 |
2. | Yoghurt | 8.05 |
3. | Geel, rood, blauw mannetje | 8.05 |
4. | Jantje observeert Emma | 8.05 |
5. | Wat is politiek | 8.05 |
6. | De skivakantie | 8.05 |
7. | Krokodillen Jacht | 8.04 |
8. | Van wie is deze GSM | 8.04 |
9. | Snelle diagnose | 8.03 |
10. | Knecht en de laarzen | 8.03 |
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Do you see that tower?
Once upon a time Dracula decided to carry some sort of a competition to see which is the finest bat to stand on his side. So all the bats were honored to take part. The rules were simple. Whichever bat drinks more blood, will be the winner?So the first bat goes and comes back after 10 minutes. Her mouth was full of blood. Dracula says: "Congratulations, how did you do that?" The bat said: "Do you see that tower? Behind it there is a house. I went in and sucked the blood of all the family". "Very good" said Dracula.
The second bat goes and comes back after 5 minutes all her face covered in blood. Dracula astonished says, "How did you do that?" The bat replies " Do you see that tower? Behind it there is a school. I went in and drunk the blood of all the children". "Impressive" said Dracula.
Now the third bat goes and comes back after three minutes literally covered in blood from top to toe. Dracula is stunned. "How on earth did you do that????" he asked. And the bat replies. "Do you see this tower?" Dracula replies with a yes. And the bat says "Well, I didn't".
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3 leeuwen (7.09/10)
Een vliegtuig stort neer in de jungle. De enige overlevende is John Woodhouse. Samen met zijn accordeon begeeft hij zich op weg naar de bewoonde wereld. Plots komt er een leeuw aanstormen. John Woodho...Mop verder lezen (Je hebt 29% gelezen)
Voor de hond (7.26/10)
Jantje en zijn ouders gingen uitgebreid dineren in een chic restaurant.Na lekker gezellig getafeld te hebben, komt er een ober afruimen. Mama vraagt aan de ober: 'Kan je de restjes in een zak...
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The two alligators (6.06/10)
Two alligators were sitting at the side of the swamp. The smaller one turned to the bigger one and said:'I can't understand how you can be so much bigger than me. We're the same age, we we...
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