Moppen top 10
1. | Ergste dag uit mijn leven | 8.05 |
2. | Yoghurt | 8.05 |
3. | Geel, rood, blauw mannetje | 8.05 |
4. | Jantje observeert Emma | 8.05 |
5. | Wat is politiek | 8.05 |
6. | De skivakantie | 8.05 |
7. | Krokodillen Jacht | 8.04 |
8. | Van wie is deze GSM | 8.04 |
9. | Snelle diagnose | 8.03 |
10. | Knecht en de laarzen | 8.03 |
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Is Kerry cheating?
Once upon a time, long, long ago there was a Presidential election that was too close to call. Neither the Republican presidential candidate nor the Democratic presidential candidate had enough votes to win the election. Therefore, it was decided that there should be an ice fishing contest between the two candidates to determine the final winner. The two participants were Bush and Kerry...There was much talk about ballot recounting, court challenges, etc., but a week-long ice fishing competition seemed the (manly) way to settle things. The candidate that catches the most fish at the end of the week wins. After a lot of back and forth discussion, it was decided that the contest would take place on a remote and cold lake in Wisconsin. There were to be no observers present, and both men were to be sent out separately on this remote lake and return daily with their catch for counting and verification.
At the end of the first day, Kerry returns to the starting line and he has 10 fish. Soon, W. Bush returns and has zero fish. Well, everyone assumes he is just having another bad day or something and hopefully, he will catch up the next day. At the end of the 2nd day Kerry comes in with 20 fish and Bush comes in again with none.
That evening, Dick Cheney gets together secretly with Bush and says, 'I think Kerry is a lowlife cheatin' son-of-a-gun. I want you to go out tomorrow and don't even bother with fishing. Just spy on him and see if he is cheating in any way.
The next night (after Kerry comes back with 50 fish), Cheney says to Bush, 'Well, what about it, is Kerry cheatin'?'
'He sure is, Dick, he's cutting holes in the ice.'
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